Home Friends Dave


V!egas Dave

Those of us from our little small burg in northeastern Ohio, are coming to terms with losing a good one this week.  While they all hurt, this one especially stings.  Some people seem to be larger than life.  And he was. Just last Friday he left us a video narrative of his most recent trip.  Then, early Sunday morning he was silenced.  An abrupt end for a good man. 

We all were shocked when we heard the news.  Throughout his travels – and it didn’t matter where he went – if you were on his route, he called and stopped in for a visit.  If you were there, in his adopted town, he came out to see you – to have a drink and just to catch up and talk about the good old days.

So, when we awoke to the news we were all stunned -saddened beyond belief upon hearing that such a person, so full of life, was now gone.  The circumstances around how he ascended aren’t important. The fact is, we lost a good person in those early morning hours.   The tributes came quickly.  He was truly loved by so many.  He left a huge imprint on those who crossed his path during his sixty-year tenure on this earth.    And he will be missed.

When friends posted news of his untimely demise, those who didn’t know our friend left their sympathies and condolences.  And the common theme simply was, “I am so sorry for your loss.”  And those tributes, those “your loss” condolences, made me take pause.  It wasn’t just me who lost a friend last weekend.  Those who knew him, weren’t the only ones to suffer a loss.  Because you see, there are some people who come along in life, and despite where they start, they manage to find themselves in a position to touch the hearts and lives of so very many.  And this man, was that type of person.

So, it wasn’t my loss. It wasn’t their loss.  His passing was all of our loss.  And this world will be the lesser without him.  God speed, our friend.  You will be missed.

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My name is Alonzo Heath and I love to write. I love creating stories, characters, people, plots and words, and putting them on paper for others to read and hopefully, enjoy.


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